Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Time "Joys"

SO because I am a school teacher, I put off countless projects and annoying on-going errands during the year and say "I"ll do that during the summer". Well, it IS summer and I've put together a lengthy "To Do" list...I've had it for the past 2 weeks and although I've checked some things off (yay!), I keep adding to the dreaded "list" so now it is larger than before...I especially hate the items that are vague like "family history" and "food storage". I know I need to do them, but know that they'll never get checked off like that. I need to be more specific, but that involves another list-making. On top of that, I want to actually have some hobbies this summer so I've added "Buy a sewing machine", "Make jewelry", and "Read Books" to the list. Great, those are things I want to do but NOW they are just sitting on the list STARING at me while I blog...On a positive note, I've given myself a time limit to get things done off of the LIST....if I do so in a timely manner, I will reward myself greatly by buying a new sunday outfit so I don't spend Sunday mornings boring myself AND my husband by saying, "I don't have anything to WEAR..." (to be said in a whinny voice) I usually stand in my closet and stare at my clothes for at least 10 minutes, debating the possible outfits. It's sad and I hope there's at least one other female out there who shares my dilemma!


  1. The solution: Add "blogging" to your list. Check!

  2. I do the exact same thing on Sunday's...well any day really! Shawn HATES it! HA HA
