Monday, June 8, 2009


Dear friends who are devout bloggers,
I just spent over TWO HOURS trying to figure out how to put a picture inside a blog banner/header...anyone know how to do this?!?! TCBOTB suggested but this is extremely confusing to me...HELP!
A brand new blogger in need of desperate help


  1. Thanks for advertising your blog! We can be blogging buddies! Hope married life is treating you well. I'm not really sure how to put pics up there-lemme know if you find out! What's this about a crack baby case? Take care!

  2. Hey girlie. You and Chad are so cute together and that's exciting you're not gonna wait to have babies :) Me and my husband didn't wait a bit and are SO incredibly HAPPY to be having a baby, we are more than ready!! Good luck to you with that. Your blog is adorable, and yes, its WAY better than Facebook :) You can add me to your list to keep in touch too :) Hope all is well with you guys!!

  3. I'm pretty sure I understand what you're wanting to do...
    -Click "Customize" on the top right of your page
    -This should bring up your "Add and Arrange Page Elements" page
    -Click "Edit" in your Header box
    -This will open a box where you can insert an image from either your computer or a website and you can choose to put it behind the title/description

    Hope that helps!
