Thursday, September 6, 2012

One Month

Jake has turned one month old! Adjusting to two children has been hard for me; I thought I would be a lot better at it, to tell you the truth.  I've learned that I'm no super mom and sometimes the housework won't get done every day.  Or every week...BUT I am learning every day how to juggle the demands of two small children. 
Jake is a very good eater, the exact opposite of his bother. He definitely will be bigger than Chase! Chase had a hard time with Jake, but every day he is learning and as long as Mama gives him attention, too, he does ok. He gives him hugs and kisses and waves to him when he's in his bouncy chair. It's so cute!
Jake has the most beautiful skin--I say this because Chase suffers from eczema and never has had such smooth skin. Chase's skin finally started to clear up after he turned 1 but he still has his bad days.  I'm so glad we won't have to struggle with another baby with ezcema!
Jake has started to sleep for about 4 hours at night. He nurses usually around 3 hours but sometimes every 2. He LOVES being held.  I usually have to rock him to sleep.  He is very alert which is the exact opposite of his brother. It's funny how these little babies come with all sorts of personalities, even as siblings!
Well, I am writing this post super early- 5:30 am so I can't take any pictures of Jake right now.  Hopefully I will soon and can put them on the blog! Here are some newborn ones, though:

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