Saturday, December 4, 2010

Naturally, I have a secret.

Don't get me wrong--I LOVE medicine. I have no personal beef against it. In fact, I have been known to down a few legal drugs in my time so when the "epidural" question presented itself, I knew exactly where I stood. I gave an emphatic "oh yeah!" to everyone who dared asked me if I was going to get one.

Then, out of nowhere, I started feeling differently. A lot differently. I don't know where it came from, but I have decided to have an unmedicated birth. You may be thinking, she's nuts. Or she'll get one once she starts feeling the pain. I know you're thinking this because I have thought this too. I feel unprepared, nervous, scared, and excited at the same time. Mostly nervous, though. I've started to read alot and go to classes, but I feel that nothing can really prepare me for this. Has anyone out there had unmedicated births and want to give me some help?

Unfortunately, I've heard a lot of negativity toward my decision and I'd appreciate only positive comments because I am already feeling a little overwelmed. I only have 7 weeks left! Only 7 more weeks to get ready for the best and hardest part of my life. I luckily have the BEST labor partner ever. Chad is so incredibly positive and I know will be my strength when the going gets tough and I am regretting my decision.

Since my secret is out in the open (well, as open as a blog can get), I feel like I can't change my mind or back out which is good. I've let my secret out and there's no going back. I now just need to surround myself with education and positivity towards the subject. Yay! I am actually really excited for this new adventure. I've already thought about my birthing plan and what I want for my birth experience.

Wish me luck and please let me know if you have any fabulous advice for the new mommy-to-be!


  1. YES KATIE!!! GOOD FOR YOU! This is one of the most important decisions you will ever make and you still have plenty of time to prepare for it!

    I had an all natural birth with Lotta that was completely calm, gentle, and relaxing. I enjoyed every moment of it and couldn't imagine having a different birth. I owe it all to a method called HypnoBirthing (The Marie Mongan Method) and have been singing it's praises ever since! I actually am now certified to teach this childbirth course because I believe in it so much!

    You should definitely check out their website: They have a book that I would begin reading as soon as possible and if you can there are wonderful practitioners in AZ that can teach you the classes. And I'd love to answer your questions too, so just call me or email me! Love you! 480-457-0566

  2. Good for you Katie!! I don't have any babies but I figure that if women have been having children naturally for thousands of years it will be fine. You'll do great!!

  3. A good friend of mine did this as well and she was so 'ready' that from the time she checked into the hospital and to when the baby was born was 15 minutes!!! And yes, it was her first. She had labored most of it at home, but with her concentrated breathing and things she had learned from her dullah (sp?) she didn't realize that she was in hard labor. Her recovery was much easier. Good luck. You will do great!

  4. I'm a huge birth junkie, so this might get long...

    Dallin was my unmedicated birth almost 3 months ago. My twins were a c/s so he was my first labor. I'm not sure if you read his birth story, but it's on my blog if you are interested (back in September) I did a LOT of research (read books like The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth, and Ina May's Guide to Natural Childbirth) which I would HIGHLY recommend! I also hired a doula who is a woman that is certified and experienced in supporting moms and dads throughout the labor and birth of their child. She knew so much about natural childbirth and what to expect, and she stayed with us at our home monitoring Dallin while I labored in a birth pool. She also came with us to the hosptial. I also took a hypnobabies home study course that helped me to learn how to completely relax and trust my body to give birth. This was very helpful as well. We stayed home my entire labor and left for the hospital when I was feeling pushy. Dallin was born a few hours after we got there.
    Does your dr. know that you want an unmedicated birth? Is he/she supportive? I hope so. Surrounding yourself with a birth team that believes in your ability to birth naturally is really important.
    Know that you CAN do it! Natural chidlbirth is very manageable. Your body gives you breaks in between contractions and usually it's a gradual increase in intesity which helps. It's intense at times, but very manageable in my opinion. I think that it's smart to labor at home for as long as possible (as long as you feel comfortable) and to make sure to eat and drink when you feel like it so you keep your energy up. Your body is your best guide during labor and it will tell you what you need to do (move, eat, drink, walk, rest etc) So really it's all about submitting to what your body is doing/telling you to do. Sorry to write so much, but I hope that is somewhat helpful. Feel free to email me if you ever want to chat about anything specific:)

  5. Katie,
    I'd LOVE to chat with you about this! Camryn's delivery was absolutley wonderful and I'll do it naturally again! It's tough, but worth it in EVERY WAY!! I second the fact that education and preparation are the very best thing you can do. With a little of that you CAN feel prepared and very confident going into labor! I just had to stop listening to people who wanted to tell me terrible crazy birth stories. Politely say no thanks, and focus on the fact that your body is perfectly prepared to give birth to you little baby boy!! Honestly the one part it started feeling out of control my midwive could tell and she looked me right in the eyes, and said, "this is the hard part. Your there, but that means it's almost over!!" She was completely right and the rest was perfect! I completely second those books Missy suggested. I think I read Ina May's book 3 times through before I had Camryn!! Anyway, feel free to call, facebook anytime! I'd love to help out anyway I can! You can absolutely do this!! Hooray! I'm excited for you!!

  6. Oh yeah, Tyce and I used the Bradley method, which is 'husband coached' child birth. I think Chad would love that! Their big philosophy is knowledge is power, which I love. They have a 6 week course, you could quickly look into. I'd suggest looking into getting the work book and classes even if you can only do a few... You can find teachers online in your area usually, and just find when they are teaching classes.
    I also second the importance of making sure your doctor/care providor is on board with your natural delivery. That is probably the second most important thing!(other than being prepared yourself!) Good luck!!

  7. Katie,

    I think that it is wonderful that you are doing what you feel is right! It seems there are so many thoughts and opinions to almost every subject and I obviously can give no advise on this particular subject, but I just know that everything this will work out if this is what you feel is best for you and the baby. I am so excited for you guys!! I cannot believe it is almost here. Can't wait to see my little nephew!

