Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fall Festivities

In case you didn't hear--it's Fall in Arizona. (Finally) Now, when I say "Fall", I mean that it's not 100 degrees anymore, there's a slight wind in the air, and we can finally go outside at nighttime! haha..actually, it's been colder than that and all of this fall fun has made me want to BAKE! I've made pumpkin chocolate bread (YUM) and caramel apple pie (still baking it right now...). I am all sorts of excited for the cute Halloween treats I'll be making this year as well. (side note: Jill, you are totally at fault for all this excitement--you and your Halloween list) Isn't Fall the best?! It's a little late, but I guess better late then never!!


  1. We did not sale the house yet... Its up for sale... do you want to buy it :) lol. Its a WONDERFUL house and I'll be sad for it to not be mine anymore!

  2. Found your blog:) I didn't realize you guys were living in Mesa. I thought you were in UT for some reason.
    I know what you mean about it finally being fall...or atleast as much as you can expect. I'm just hoping for a somewhat cold halloween this year. That would be nice:)
