Sunday, April 26, 2009

Living It Up

Speedway Race Track ain't yer regular go-kart action, it was intense.

We met Joshua Radin at a concert and told him how we played two of his songs at our wedding, he digged it!...I had to show my brother-in-law James that I even though I am fatter than him I am still stronger. haha. We threw down the rubber mallets at a game section in a bowling ally.

Look how giddy my girl is about Easter!!!

Since our last post Katie and I have been busy decorating our home with pictures and accessories mainly 50-60 pictures of just us! lol. I told Katie it was too much so we took down about 5 of them. haha. We went hiking in Saguaro National Park down in Tucson, had a timed Easter egg hunt, said goodbye to our Audi and hello to our new family wagon. There is just one minor detail no kiddo's yet! Katie and I are planning on growing into our Yukon. Yeah! We love it, not the gas but the car rocks! Katie made wonderful homemade wheat bread for the first time, with the help of our kitchen aid and her mom's wonderful recipe. I brought in a loaf to my office and was the hero of the day thanks to her! We are crazy about coupons and shop at up to three grocery stores now just to get the bargains. We are having so much fun being why didn't I do this sooner?... Oh yeah, it's cause Katie was still in high school when I got home from the Mish. haha.